
How do I add a Project?

On your "Dashboard," you can choose one of two ways:

  1. Click "Add a Project" on your dashboard
  2. Click "Projects" at the top and then "Add a Project" on that page

Next, type the project name, select the project type, and see if the "slug" is available (self-generated choice is a recommendation for SEO purposes).

Upon success, the project is now added to your site. But you can add much more by adding more details such as:

On the project edit page, click "Save." This will refresh the cache on your site and display all your changes.

How do I add a thumbnail and other images for my project?

How do I add a video to my project?


If you have already added the project and/or want to use a third-party provider (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, etc.), click "Videos" next to your project either from the Dashboard or from your Projects page.

As of 2024, we currently allow easy, future-proofing embeds with the following third-party services:

Did we miss something you'd like to try? Please let us know and we'll look into adding it right away.


We also allow non-embed hosting if you use Amazon S3.

What are Lists?

Lists are playlists and categories for your work. By default, you start with none. When you have five or more projects, your work page automatically displays them by type of work, greatest to least.

For example, if you have five features and six commercials, your work page's navigation would list commercials first, then features. If you have all the same project types, like only commercials, you will not see any sub-navigation since your primary work page is exactly the same.

Once logged in, under Work > Lists, you can add a custom list to override these automatic features, such as calling your work "fiction" and "non-fiction" instead of the formal names we use.

Note that using custom lists are a manual effort, whereas the defaults we give you change automatically whenever you add a new project, which we believe is helpful for a low-maintenance site.

Help and Support Categories

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